NUCLI offers L2 and L3 support services. Maybe the criticity of the Database System Management difficulty or due to the lack of specialists resources, NUCLI puts to diposal of his costumers, specialists with more than 15 years of experience to support the normal database management, planned interventions where it’s necessary to keep the level of service, software updates, unplanned stops (incidences), stress testing and software evolution, application performance problems, data recovery ...
NUCLI support services was created because of the demand of specialists with deep knowledge on the Oracle Databases Operation Management. They follow a methodology based on the intervention management, methodology that has been built from experience in critical mission systems that impact on data service improvement and directly, and -in the short run- in cost savings, either by enhancing the availability or by the reduction in the use of the infrastructure.
Benefits. Your Best Technological Partner
Services. Associated Services to Be Considered in a Project
Technology. Oracle Technology Options to Be Considered