NUCLI covers 24x7 support for critical mission systems. There are applications that need to maintain service on a sustained way. Critical mission systems are usually very well implemented which facilitates and ensures the service. However, just as the implementation of the system availability is maximized, this should be also covered by an effective expert support services and resources for any planned or unplanned stop that could lead to the minimum service stop. Nucli has its own infrastructure to respond effectively 24x7 support by consultants who have extensive experience in incidents, who are familiar with the pressure of a service stop on a critical mission system.
NUCLI also orchestrates his team. All issues are resolved in team, ensuring that the solution is agreed and fits to the targets. Currently, Nucli supports 24x7 on critical mission systems such as medical emergency systems, electronic prescription, electronic banking systems, billing gateways, energy monitoring systems, touroperators online sales systems, ..., etc. This experience proves the actual experience of NUCLI in 24x7 critical mission systems services.
Benefits. Your Best Technological Partner
Services. Associated Services to Be Considered in a Project
Technology. Oracle Technology's Options to Be Considered