Licensing Strategy

As an Oracle Platinum Partner NUCLI can sell licenses to any company. But the value added by NUCLI is the ability to establish the best licensing strategy for each of its customers. With the support of a professional staff, such as NUCLI, when deciding on the necessary licensing for customer environments, you ensure the best possible Oracle Infrastructure optimized cost of ownership required.

NUCLI through Oracle Database architectural design projects helps customers to establish the most appropriate licensing strategy based on the capture of requirements and needs. This approach will define the architecture adjusting licensing resources and always ensure that environments are supported under the criteria established by the manufacturer.

NUCLI can establish the use being made of existing infrastructure, the needs of future capabilities, if ownership costs are acceptable, performance requirements, availability, contingency, what should be the right strategy to evolve the platform to his customers on the right way and always fulfilling all the gathered goals.

Benefits. Your Best Technological Partner

  • Optimization of Ownership Costs
  • Avoid on Licensing
  • Maximum Legality
  • Manufacturer Support for the Installed Version

Services. Associated Services to Be Considered in a Project

  • Architecture Design of Oracle Database
  • Infrastructure Design
  • Licenses Purchase
  • Version Upgrades